May 9, 2015

6 Inspiring Reasons Women Love Being 'Mompreneurs'

Credit: Dragon Images/Shutterstock

Two of the most challenging, but rewarding endeavors a person can undertake are raising a family and starting a business. Both are full-time commitments that demand a whole lot of patience, perseverance and love. Doing one or the other on its own can be difficult enough, but plenty of entrepreneurial-minded parents willingly choose to do both — and they couldn't be happier about it.

In honor of Mother's Day, we asked women who have both businesses and families why they love being "mompreneurs." Here's what they had to say about work-life balance, serving as role models, and finding personal and professional happiness.

Your children can serve as your business inspiration

"My favorite thing about being a mompreneur is all of the inspiration I gather from my children. After planning so many birthday parties and celebrations for them, the idea to create Partyology came from my desire to streamline the party-planning process without compromising that professional look we all want. Without being a mom, I wouldn't be where I am today, with an app that makes the lives of moms a little bit easier!"– Barbara Edelstein, co-founder, Partyology

"When I say 'kid tested, mother approved,' I really mean it with all of my designs. My son, Liam, inspired me to create a clothing line that made getting dressed in the morning easier for him. He was the very first to try on my samples, and because of that, the very first satisfied customer was me." – Lauren Thierry, creator and CEO, Independence Day Clothing 

Mompreneurship offers a whole new level of work-life balance

"I love that I can set my own schedule, even though it's a crazy one. I operate on a 24-hour clock where I fit in all facets of my life. Some days look more traditional, 9-to-5-ish, and others flip-flop all day between work and personal responsibilities. The flexibility of being a mompreneur helps me to be both a better professional and a better mom." – Allison O'Kelly, founder and CEO, Mom Corps

"While being a mompreneur has its own set of stresses regarding work-life balance, it has been the healthiest part of living the startup life. I have learned so many things in regards to communication, business, leadership and going for the gusto to pursue something I believe in. But my daughter's health and happiness is by far more important than any business decision I will ever make. Her well-being puts all of the stressful business moments into perspective, which is invaluable. I can't wait to share these lessons with her one day, and tell her how she was such an important part of this journey." – Cortnie Purdy, CEO, The Venue Report

Your kids can learn valuable, hands-on business lessons

"As my children have gotten older, we have developed such a profound level of respect for each other as it relates to my career. We discuss business and trends and logistics of events, and they bring an insightful younger perspective, often impacting the direction I may take in guiding a client. I feel the most immense pride emanate from them with each successful event that we produce, each post-event thank you we receive, each time we raise the bar and are acknowledged in some way. For your children to be proud of their mother's accomplishments is an extraordinary feeling."– Claudia Wagner, executive vice president, Gourmet Advisory Services

"The best part about being a mompreneur is involving my children in my business and teaching them that being an entrepreneur means hard work and lots of it. My children understand that building a business is a slow process that takes time, energy and quite often sacrifice. They know that failure is only failure if you quit. Instead, they have the practical understanding that failure can be the best thing that happens to you if you pick yourself up, learn from your mistakes and power on." – PJ Jonas, founder, Goat Milk Stuff

Motherhood and entrepreneurship go hand in hand

"I have the luxury of doing the two things I love and am passionate about. My children are and always will be my number one. The joys, the difficult moments and the challenges of full-time parenting prepared me for perseverance in my other passion, the competitive world of horse racing. They are so different, yet parenting taught me the grace of patience, and the strength to deal with all of the ups and downs."– Sheila Rosenblum, owner, Lady Sheila Stable

Your sense of purpose goes beyond just family or career success

"I get to be boss lady/creator/innovator by day, and mommy all the time. I have a different purpose now, and being a mom has changed the way I look at everything. Plus, having a toddler tugging on my leg while I bounce a baby in one arm and type on my phone in the other makes life more interesting — and fun!" – Leila Lewis, CEO, Be Inspired PR

"Being in business for yourself is empowering, because all the work that you do directly benefits your own family, the clients that you have chosen to work for and the team of people who work with you. That makes doing work extremely rewarding." – Lisa Kroese, owner, Expert Estates

Mompreneurs make incredible role models

"I can show my daughter that absolutely anything is possible. As a single mom in my mid-30s, starting a tech company wasn't going to be easy, but despite the odds I have shown my daughter and other women that with hard work, passion and tenacity, you can accomplish anything you set your mind to." – Sheri Atwood, founder and CEO, SupportPay

"The best thing about being a mompreneur is being able to spend quality time with my daughters while teaching them the importance of having a passion of their own outside the home. Teaching by example shows them how you can become self-sufficient, gain more confidence and have a degree of independence, whether it be financial or psychological." – Julie Karlitz, CEO, strap-its

"The best thing about being a mompreneur is the message I'm sending to my two daughters. I don't buy the dichotomy of motherhood and business success, and hope they won't either. If you can't 'have it all' under someone else's rules, create your own rules and pave your own way." – Stephanie Winans, COO, Bundoo and current MBA@UNC student 

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